Little Flower
Catholic Church

Truly Catholic • Truly Innovative • Truly Different

About Us

"Do everything — no matter how trivial or insignificant — out of the motive of love of God."

This simple motto of St. Therese was her “Little Way.” “Little Flower” is the most popular title by which St. Therese of Lisieux is known. She received this title by referring to herself as being only one little flower among many in God’s garden, an indication of her humility and of her awareness of the diversity in human beings. The family of Little Flower parish takes this command very seriously as we attempt to bring Christ to the world and to each other in a spirit of love and humility. She was canonized on May 17, 1925, the same year as the founding of our parish. The people of Little Flower consider it an honor to be one of the first churches in the world to be named after St. Therese of Lisieux.

The structure of our parish church is quite unique. Formally dedicated on December 18, 1949, it is totally in the round with the altar in the very center of the building; the pews form a complete circle around the altar. While often thought of as a predecessor to parish churches built after the Second Vatican Council, it is actually based on a fifth century church in Rome, Santo Stefano Rotondo. Our parish church reflects well the character of our parish community in that we believe that everything about us is to be focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus celebrated in the Eucharist.

Our community of approximately 550 households is extremely diverse: old and young, married and single, the economically affluent and the economically struggling, a mixture of races and a mixture of types of housing. Our parish school is an extreme source of pride for us and has an enrollment of approximately 150 students from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. Our Parish Council is comprised of twelve members selected by lot and is vital in forming parish policy. There are five Commissions under the direction of and coordinated by our Council: Administration and Finance, Community, Christian Service, Christian Formation/Evangelization, and Liturgy. As stated earlier, we see the center of our parish’s life in the liturgy which is the summit and source of all we are and all we do, and we take pride in the spirit and life of our prayer together.

As a parish family we are sensitive to the needs of our own members while recognizing the need to reach out to the wider church and the world. Our focus is one of ongoing faith formation, beginning at birth and continuing throughout life. In that effort, our liturgical efforts, school, organizations, and all formation activities are focused outwardly, always welcoming and inviting the traveler to journey with us in building the Kingdom of God.

Along with our neighboring parishes of Immaculate Conception in Maplewood, St. Luke the Evangelist here in Richmond Heights, and St. James the Greater in the ‘Dogtown‘ area of St. Louis, we form the Parish Cluster where resources, gifts, and talents are mutually shared by all three parish families. The cluster concept, while relatively new, is one of our ways to respond to Christ’s call to be good stewards.

Little Flower is located in the mid-town area of St. Louis County, and this location offers ready access to all parts of the metropolitan area. Our parish’s boundaries extend from Clayton Road to Big Bend Road on the North; Big Bend to Folk Avenue on the East; Folk to Laclede Station Road to West Bruno Avenue to Hanley Road on the South; and Hanley Road including the Hanley Downs and Lake Forest Subdivisions on the West.