Little Flower
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Catholics Returning Home
Little Flower Catholic Church
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Catholics Returning Home
People leave active membership in the Church for various reasons. Some have issues with certain teachings or practices of the Catholic Church while others simply drift away. Since the Church is made up of imperfect human beings, the possibility always exists that we are, at times, insensitive toward each other and may do or say hurtful things.
Catholics Returning Home is a six-week program for Catholics who are not currently active in the Catholic faith. It provides an opportunity for them to talk through any issues, angers, or hurts that keep them separated from the sacramental life of the Church.
All too often, Catholics leave active membership in the Church and are never told that they are missed and are never invited to return. Catholics Returning Home is one way of saying we miss them and invite them back.
Any inactive Catholics who choose to participate in the program are assured that there is no presumption that they have chosen to resume active membership in the Church. These sessions are designed to provide a forum to explore the hurts, disagreements or issues that separate individuals from the Church and to begin a process of healing and reconciliation.
If you are an inactive Catholic and would like more information when the next program is to begin, feel free to contact:
Sr. Cynthia Kozicki
, at 314-645-1445.
Welcome Home!