Little Flower
Catholic Church

Truly Catholic • Truly Innovative • Truly Different

Liturgical Music

Come and join the Choir!

Calling all singers!  I know you are out there…  Your parish choir needs you!  The choir sings at 10:30 Mass the Sunday after Labor Day through Corpus Christi.  Choir Practice is held Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.  Contact Chuck for more information:  [email protected] or 314-645-1445 ext. 16.     

Top Four Church Choir Myths:

  1. The need to read music – It helps if you do, but there are many choir singers who learn  the part with repetition!  
  2. Having to be there every Sunday – Life happens. Sometimes we have family obligations, or vacations, or other things come up.  Every week is great but don’t let a travel schedule or other things keep you from joining us!
  3. Thinking your voice isn’t good enough – In a choir, all our voices blend together, and the complete sound always sounds better!  Voices can be classified like instruments: flutes, reeds, even brass.  Every type of sound complements the other types and supplies what is missing.  When we all sing the same word at the same time in the same way then the magic happens, and the voices unite. 
  4. Ability to sing high notes – notes are both low and high.  If you feel you can’t ever sing higher notes, it could be that you are a low voice type, or that no one has ever shown you how to make it happen.  We need all voice types.  Come and join us!

Music for Weddings

The Marriage Rite is a Sacrament of the Church in whose presence the bride and groom solemnly exchange vows.  It is an act of worship for all present to offer thanks and praise for God’s blessings on the couple’s life together as husband and wife.  Therefore, music for the wedding liturgy reflects the sacred nature of the ceremony and must be taken from sacred or religious music repertoire.   As a form of sung prayer, music must relate to the glory of God and reflect the redeeming grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The parish Director of Music is the organist and music consultant for parish weddings.  Couples should contact him to arrange a planning meeting two to three months before their wedding.    ([email protected]  or   314-645-1445 ext. 16)
Wedding musicians can consist of the organist and cantor, or other instrumentalists may be employed for a more elaborate musical setting (trumpet, flute, violin, etc.)  If you would like additional musicians to participate in your wedding, the parish Director of Music can help contract some of the finest professional musicians in the area who are familiar with Catholic wedding liturgies.  Fees will vary by instrument.

The use of outside musicians/vocalists must be approved by the parish Director of Music.  References and an audition may be requested.   Singers should be trained and experienced singing in liturgical settings.  Music selections must be made with or approved by the parish Director of Music.  If additional meetings or rehearsals with the organist are required, there may be an additional fee.

Music for Funerals

Christian funerals are celebrations of the whole Body of Christ where “Christians celebrate the funeral rites to offer worship, praise, and thanksgiving to God for the gift of life which has now been returned to God, the author of life and the hope of the just.” (Order of Christian Funerals, #5)  These rites are therefore celebrated with appropriate choices of music, readings, and gestures which are consistent with a Catholic understanding of death and music must be taken from sacred or religious music repertoire.   “The celebration of the Christian funeral brings hope and consolation to the living.  While proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and witnessing to Christian hope in the resurrection, the funeral rites also recall to all who take part in them God’s mercy and judgment and meet the human need to turn always to God in times of crisis.” (Order of Christian Funerals, #7). 

The parish Director of Music is the organist for parish Funeral Liturgies and provides guidance for the selection of music in the Funeral Mass.  Music selections must be approved by the parish Director of Music.  [email protected]  or   314-645-1445 ext. 16

Pipe Organ

Our new Kegg organ has 3 manuals and 26 ranks including a high pressure Tuba in its own expression box. The center of the organ case is concave which echos the shape of the choir loft.
Please watch these two exciting YouTube Videos of our organ project.