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If you would like to find information about such topics as having your child baptized, or going to confession, or having your wedding at Little Flower, simply click the sacrament of your choice. There you will find an assortment of information.
Baptism is the first of seven sacraments instituted by our Lord. Since the Second Vatican Council, the Church looks upon this sacrament in a different light. We now approach the sacrament with preparation and understanding.
Many people simply believe that they can call the rectory after the birth of their child and schedule a date and time for the baptism. To a certain extent this is true, but the date and time is not set until the parents attend a baptismal preparation class so that they might gain a better appreciation of this sacrament. This class is normally held on an as-needed basis.
It is only necessary to participate in this class for the first child that you are having baptized.
If you are anticipating the birth of a child, please contact
Sue Rice
at 314-645-1445, and she will set a time for this class that is convenient for all parties. Sue can be reached on Tuesdays at the Rectory.
For more information click here.
Confirmation is one of the sacraments of initiation into the Church. Confirmation brings us closer to the Lord and to His love. Through it, we become full members of the Church. A Bishop normally administers confirmation. However, when adults are brought into the Church during the Easter Vigil, the priest performs this sacrament.
If you are a Catholic adult and have not been confirmed in the Catholic Church, please contact
Sr. Cynthia Kozicki
to arrange for the reception of this sacrament.
When it is time for your child to receive this sacrament, please contact our school for more information.
For more information click here.
As Catholics we believe that, during the Mass, when the priest consecrates the bread and wine, they are changed into the real
of the Body and Blood of Christ through the power of Christ given to the apostles.
Since the Second Vatican Council, the celebration of the Mass has changed dramatically. The people of the congregation are not just spectators at the celebration but are active participants. They take an active role in proclaiming the readings of the day as well as responding to the prayers and petitions to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. A deacon assists the priest, proclaims the Gospel, and prepares the altar for the celebration.
For more information click here.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a time to talk to God and tell Him how sorry we are for offending Him and His people. The Lord understands our failings and has unconditional love for each and every one of us no matter how bad we may think we are. The love of the Lord is beyond all belief. A side benefit is that the penitent comes out in a better state of mind and more at ease.
A priest can only administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many individuals have a difficult time receiving this sacrament because they are fearful that the priest will think less of them for committing that “serious” sin. Chances are that what you have to confess has been heard by the priest many times before. We are all sinners, including the priest who hears your confession. He understands the difficulty that you are going through if it has been a long time since your last confession. His major concern is to help you to experience God’s loving forgiveness and healing.
For more information click here.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick was formally referred to as the ‘Last Rites’; however, it is no longer just for the elderly and dying. It is, even more so, for those who are experiencing any serious illness or those who are undergoing significant surgery. The Sacrament offers healing in mind and spirit and often physical healing as well. It is a source of comfort and strength.
Only a priest can administer this sacrament. Please contact the rectory regarding the reception of this sacrament.
For more information click here.
Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders in the Roman Catholic Church is granted to those males who are seeking to become either a priest or a deacon. Men who are seeking ordination to the priesthood must not be married. Men seeking ordination as permanent deacons can be married, but they promise to not remarry if their wives die.
The numbers of vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life are not as numerous in the United States as they had been years ago, but worldwide such vocations have increased. The number of permanent deacons in the United States is quite large, over 14,000 deacons, the largest population of deacons in the world.
It is the responsibility of all Catholics to pray for vocations to ministry within the Church. If your child, grandchild or even the child next door shows an interest in becoming a
, a
, a religious man / woman, or a lay minister, encourage them and PRAY for their vocation
For more information click here.
Click here for Marriage Guidelines (Updated for 2019!)
For even more information on Sacraments, click here.